Creating A Cycle of Abundance in 2009

By M Taylor

You have heard all your life that it is better to give than to receive - but why? The answer is simple; the more that you give, the more you will receive. Abundance and success are the return for the unconditional gifts you make.

Unconditional givers give because they want to, not because they feel obligated to.

When you give unconditionally, you are putting the law of giving and receiving into action and will reap the benefits by drawing abundance and success to yourself.

There are both scientific and spiritual bases for this universal law of giving.

The Spiritual basis of The Law of Giving and Receiving: Whatever you sow, you will also reap. -Galatians 6:7

The Scientific basis of The Law of Giving and Receiving: For every action, there will always be an equal or even opposite reaction -Isaac Newton's Law of Motion.

Reasons People Resist Giving: There are many who are reluctant to give because they feel like they will not be left with enough for themselves. In most cases, this comes from a self-imposed limitation in their thinking which leads them to feel a sense of scarcity where it may well not exist.

As we see from the spiritual reasoning behind this universal law, you cannot reap what has not been sown.

From the scientific perspective, if you do nothing, nothing will happen. You must take action for something to occur.

The person that decides not to give for fear of lack or fear of loss, will never gain or grow, but will always remain stagnate, keeping only what they already have and never realizing anything more.

There are those that give a little because they fear if they give too much there won't be enough left. Again, this comes from limited thinking and perceptions of lack and scarcity. The person that gives a little will only receive a little.

Still others understand the basis of the law of giving and receiving, but only give with the expectation of getting something in return.

Those who give with selfish motives will learn the hard way that intentions matter with regard to the law of giving and receiving; it is as immutable as are other natural laws.

Start Giving From the Heart: BY incorporating the law of giving and receiving into your life, you will find that you can indeed give of yourself without having to worry about scarcity. This is a liberating feeling of abundance and a great example of the law of giving and receiving in action.

When you give unconditionally, you will start to see yourself in others and develop a deeper sense of empathy. You will learn to love others as you love yourself; it's a truly spiritual experience.

You'll be more in tune with the needs of others and this is what will allow you to give freely and unconditionally.

Giving from the heart sets off a chain reaction of events including inspiring others to give also, which ultimately creates a circle of giving.

Giving Produces Spiritual and Personal Growth: When you give unconditionally you build faith in yourself, in others and the entire world. Some describe it as a religious experience; it is certainly a spiritual feeling.

The more you can unconditionally give, the more you will receive. You will receive joy, love and a feeling of accomplishment.

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