Forex Training Starts with Your Mind

By Bart Icles

In the world of trading it can get dark and bleak because of what many people say are unlucky streaks. How powerful it would be if when you pulled yourself out of bed in the morning you knew that if you were to follow the rules and trade with discipline you would have a day of high success.

The truth of the matter trading has so much to do with the way you think as a trader that a line of thinking like that will be highly beneficial. If you were to get up in the morning and think to yourself I have the necessary rules set and if I use discipline in my trading, not letting my emotions carry my trades, it will be a successful day. A line of thinking like that will greatly increase the success you have. It can be hard to believe that changing your line of thinking will change your physical trading but lets look at it this way. When you go out to golf you pull out the driver or iron you want to use then set up at the tee and you start visualizing exactly what you want to happen. This prepares your brain to tell you muscles exactly what they need to do when. It is a lot to line up all at once when you swing and that is why a dry run for your brain is helpful.

Although in forex you arent swinging a club and clicking the mouse doesnt take a whole of effort, controlling your emotions and sticking to your rules does. If you sit down with the mindset that you are going to trade by the rules you are already training your emotions. You are giving your brain a dry run that says we arent going to trade today using the anger from last night.

This is a powerful exercise that will, if done properly, change your trading for the better. You will train yourself to leave the emotions for the chick flicks because it doesnt belong in your trading. That is a powerful and confidence building skill for every trader.

Remember one rule: If you make a little bit every day, then you have earned the right to trade bigger. If you jump the gun and start trading because you lost the last several times you arent being motivated by something that will lead you to success. Emotions dont make wise investments.

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