How To Get The Best Out of Twitter

By Taylor Tenretni

The growth of social networking has been incredible over recent years. Facebook came out of nowhere and was heralded as the most commonly used. Until now that is! Twitter has risen from the flames like Pheonix to take hold of the number one social media platform. Its micro blogging format is easy and fast to use and brilliant for keeping people updated.

Social Media is great for communicating with your loved ones, but where twitter is different is that it gives you a real time account of what people are doing right now via sending tweets to you followers.

Switched on business owners are using twitter to hoards of traffic to their sites in order to make money. Twitter has the flexibility to operate with other social media as well.

Take advantage of twitter using Tiny Url to truncate your domain name and getting some added juice for your search engine optimisation campaign. There is a little guide beneath which should help you with Twitter

Use Client Software - You can install this software from Twitter straight onto your machine and easily send out sales updates without having to log into your account. Time is money.

Tweeting Search Engine - If you require information on something or need answers use the power of twitter to get you what you need. Just twit your little heart out and the solution to your issue will come rolling back to you

Twitter library - If you need to info or opinions on something send out your updates to people and use the info they comeback with to collect your data

Twitter Simplicity - Use twitter feeds and updates to keep your followers informed of anything that's going on with your blog

Twitter Updates - Use info form Twitter news sites etc to always ensure you are at the forefront of anything going on

Twitter Discover - uncover untapped niche markets by searching via keywords and locations to uncover new markets to attack

Customer Service " You can use twitter as a dedicated customer care client. People can send in their tweet for you to assist

Twitter Cred - Join the growing communities and forums on twitter to help other s and boost your online credibility. Trust creates comfort which can easily turn a non buying customer into a captive customer for life

By following this quick guide you will ensure that you maximise your online efforts and generate some highly targeted traffic via the hottest social network out there. Join in and have some fun!

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