By Charles Carr

There are two main goals that everyone who decides to publish a blog will have in common. They want what they have written to be read, and they want their visitors to return to the blog for repeat visits. There is only one way to ensure that you will make money from your blog and that is if you get lots of visits to it. Of course, those people will need to click on the AdSense link on your blog in order for you to make any money.


Now that is a dilemma everyone who decides to publish a blog will be confronted with. We've all been there so you can rest assured that this problem is not unique to you. Like the rest of us you will find that once you have successfully set up your blog and have your AdSense links in the best place to invite clicks from your visitors, you are unable to think of anything to write about. This can be disheartening, because under different circumstances you, like the rest of us, are quite capable of stringing a few sentences together! But not when it comes time to type that blog! You might even start doubting yourself and your ability to be interesting to anyone else, enough to ensure that they take time to read what you've written. However, there are ways around this very common and frustrating problem that you will find helpful when deciding what to write about.

Ad placement has got to be the easiest part of starting a blog but the most difficult is coming up with a topic that you feel you will be able to continue writing about every day. Your topic needs to be fresh and up to date, so that people will want to visit your blog again, since that is the objective - to create a blog that is popular and one that has the potential to earn you some money.

Taking a child into a large, enticing toy store and telling them they can pick any toy there will invariably result in that child not knowing what to choose. Well, it is the same for you! Telling you to write about anything won't help you very much, because the choices are simply too varied and overwhelming! You have far too many options to choose from, although it is true, it is your blog and you can write about whatever you want to write about.

Your blog can either be a blog that does not earn you any money, or it can be one that does. So the first decision you need to make is to decide which is best suited to you. If you choose the one that does not earn you money then all you need to do is provide the link to your blog to the people in your life, such as friends and family. You will merely need to post updates every now and again but other than that there is not much more you need to do. If, on the other hand, you want to write a blog that will bring the cash in, you need to know and understand just how search engines and AdSense work. This might also assist you in deciding what your blog would be about.

If generating an income from your blog is the way you want to go then you need to do whatever you can to ensure that as many people as possible will visit your blog. One of the ways to accomplish this is to make certain that whatever you have decided to write about will direct visitors to your blog by way of the search engines. As you can see, knowing and understanding something of how search engine optimization will assist you in directing traffic to your blog is important. The same can be said about AdSense as well. Your AdSense ads need to be clicked on by your visitors and so placement of them is also of equal importance. Understanding how AdSense and Search Engine Optimization works will help you in deciding what your blog is to be about but we will go more in-depth about this in later chapters of this e-book

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