By Scott Parat

At present, close to 85% of the market will go to the world wide web FIRST to search for your company, before they go to the Yellow Pages or dial information. Do you realize how large a market share that is and it is a crucial fact to consider. If you have a business, big or small, having a presense on the web is very significant due to the existing statistics as well as the increasing popularity of the internet.

Today everyone has internet access, from their iphones, laptop computers, macs, etc. and pray that your site appears with the right keywords or... The competition will show up! That's why it's really important to have your website optimized properly. Most people use Google and the first 3 search results will get all the traffic. To state the obvious, you want your web site to show up in one of the first 3 results on Google.

Running your business takes all of your effort, not leaving you time to learn how to build websites, set up autoresponders, optimize web pages, set up pay per click advertising, set up your social networking sites or try to understand and learn internet marketing. All these things probably make no sense to you but take my word for it, you really need to put them in place. You simply must get online and do it in a way that conforms with current internet marketing standards.

Like it or not, your business success will in some degree depend on your website, consequently you will need to find an internet marketer who specializes in Offline Marketing or you might look into an Offline Consultant so you can get your website tuned up and ready for all the people looking for you. Optimize your website properly and watch your profits take off along with knowing you've taken a giant step into the future for your business!

Here's where most small business owners get confused. They hire someone to build a nice looking website and they think the process is completed. The sad fact is most website designers don't have a clue about offline marketing and how to get a website on page 1 of Google.

You won't find yourself on page 1 of Google by accident, the only solution is to work with an offline marketer or offline consultant. Offline marketers are experts in website design along with knowing how to set up autoresonders, optimize your web pages correctly and creating website traffic. They will consider your business as unique and find out what is needed to get your business to come up in a favorable position when somebody searches for your keywords. This approach takes everything into consideration, it requires some thinking and strategies needed to produce the kind of results that will bring you qualified website visitors via the free search engines.

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