Green Business Certification

By R. Michael Richmond

The average business knows that it should Go Green, but doesn't know the protocol and steps to actually achieve a Green Business status. Depending on which expert you ask, you will be barraged with ideas about carbon credits, fossil fuels, and alternative energy. You might hear about sustainable issues, energy and water reduction, or cutting back waste. One of the other keys is the Indoor Air Quality that is impacted by volatile organic compounds and outgassing. It doesn't take long to figure out that the Greening process is for more involved the CFL bulbs.

There is a growing awareness that the city, state, and federal regulators are going to pass more and more laws forcing businesses to Go Green. We also see a growing public awareness about the real value of a Green workplace. Green has a serious impact on the health of workers and students alike. Over the years, product after product has added an increasing volume of chemicals to our schools and businesses. In the end, these compounding chemicals accumulate and magnify the health hazards of those who work in our facilities. Going Green is not only about endangered species, but about the now-proven health concerns on everyone in our buildings.

The EPA tells us that Americans spend 90% of their time indoors, and also says that indoor air quality is 4 to 5 times worse than the outdoor air that also worries environmentalists. The truth is that millions of Americans have suffered from chronic health concerns and building related illnesses. This is the result of chemicals from many sources that figure so importantly in the equation. Going Green is therefore more than energy savings, sustainable efforts, and Green roofs.

Going Green is difficult for most businesses for these exact reasons. This is an area of relative science that has a lot on information to digest, and the process of Going Green is a methodical program of transition to new products and practices. This is not accomplished by well-meaning people who have read-up on the subject but lack a full education. The best advice is to find a bona fide Green Consultant that has the training and resource to certify your Green Business.

Hiring a Green Consultant is the smart approach to Going Green since a true professional knows how to match the Green program to the budget and business concerns of your business. A Green Business is a serious look at the operation and programs of your building which differs from a Green building approach in several ways. A Green building is more focused on the physical aspects where a Green Business may be in rented, leased, or owned buildings that need gradual improvement as well. Ask yourself, how does a company without a building of their own Go Green? It is in how the business is operated.

If cost is a concern, it should be. Using a trained Green Consultant, the project is managed to meet the available funds and talents. Many Green ideas are relatively inexpensive and trouble free. More advanced ideas can be scheduled when the funds are available and the business is able to accommodate the change. For example, changing the bathroom fixtures to create low-flow water usage is something done at a certain stage of Green implementation. Other solutions apply recycling, source reduction, and operational strategies costing nearly nothing in real dollars.

Earning your Green Business certification is accomplished in as little as three months or as long a one year. Each business has the option of choosing which piece that should be incorporated in the operation, and to budget modest costs as available in the budget. Other benefits are found in joining the Green Business League to open doors of fresh business with hundreds of other Green businesses.

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