Social Marketing

By Justin Harrison

Marketing socially is a new method that enables you to promote your business and describe your products and services using the internet, blogs, social networking sites, and social media. Many advantages exist for social marketing and they include the ability to create relationships with customers.

Social marketing is unobtrusive marketing. If you are too pushy and members begin to see you as a salesman type, they will probably remove you from their friend list. You should endeavour to be seen as an authority in your field, and to build up relationships with possible customers by facilitating open discourse with them. By nurturing good relationships with customers, and opening up online communication with them, you will be able to get trustworthy feedback which you can use to improve your product or service, and which will also help you better understand the particular consumer group you are trying to reach. The simplest ways in which to do this are through blogging or through the more popular networking sites such as uTube or MySpace where members are able to and happy to comment on your work.

The more visible a brand name is, the higher the recall of that brand name with people. However, the impact of a marketing campaign is crucially dependent on the users' brand experience, hence the need for a positive experience. This can be achieved through amusing videos or articles, providing useful information or even using competitions built around the product. By utilizing appropriate techniques, social marketing can help establish a new brand or strengthen the awareness of an existing brand.

Do some research and look for people who have blogs and then talk to them, tell them what your product/service is. And be honest and tell them all about it. If the blogger is interested then they will be willing to help you and before you know it, you will start to see a lot of people on your site and you will have a lot of business.

Due to the fact that the goal of many marketing campaigns is to improve sales, this is something important to consider when it comes to social marketing. Even though social media interactions don't commonly generate sales they do provide a way to develop a positive relationship with customers and provide brand awareness which can generate more sales in the long run.

Social marketing is cheap. In fact, with the exception of a time investment, there are no explicit costs. Therefore each successful lead generates a net positive return. If you don't have much capital then social marketing is the most budget-friendly technique to generate interest in what you have to offer.

This brings us to our last point. Quite simply the greatest benefits of social marketing are it's, "Do it yourself," approach. There is absolutely no outsourcing required. Anyone who can do basic computer operations can access the internet, and thus take advantage of all the numerous social networking sites. These sites will greatly help gain exposure of their product or service.

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