Promising Real Estate Investments

It has been a few years now that I have had rental properties and I am always on the lookout for new ones to add to my portfolio.  I am always looking for good value, and you never quite know what you are going to find when you look at a potential property.  I only make it out once per week to check out some of these possible investments in person, so I make sure to only look at the ones that seem to be the best on paper.

Which is exactly what I am doing today.

There are three properties on my list for today:

  • One apartment building
  • One single family home
  • One townhouse

Each of these properties brings their own value proposition to the table, but in the end I will only have enough money to buy one.  I know that most of you will think that the apartment will be the best investment, but I am actually leaning towards the single family home.


Well, it is easy.  The home has great curb appeal, new Milgard Windows, and is located just one block from a school.  I figure that it has the best potential to attract a young family with children, and those are the types of tenants that I would prefer to have in one of my rental units.

I am hopeful that I will be making an offer on one of the properties today, but I will have to see what happens – you never know if a property is good unless you see it with your own eyes.

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